Weight and Obesity

Obesity Linked to Premature Aging of Brain

Scientists make an remarkable discovery that connects the brain with progressive aging and genetic illnesses. Middle-aged, obese individuals’ brains show something totally different from individuals who are not overweight, according to studies conducted at the University of Cambridge. Brain Shrinkage Part of Normal Aging Process Scientists agree that as we get older, our brains shrink. …

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Diabetics Should Think Twice Before Starting the Paleo Diet

Associate Professor Sof Andrikopoulos of the University of Melbourne Department of Medicine, stated in the Medical Journal of Australia that those with type 2 diabetes should not get too hyped up about the Paleo diet that is being promoted in social media on dozens of websites. There have been only two trials worldwide of less …

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The Link Between Coconut Oil and HDL Cholesterol

Saturated fatty acids have always been touted as being bad for you.  However, synthetically manufactured saturated fatty acids, such as the likes in margarine, are far different from those naturally occurring in coconut oil which are no longer seen as being detrimental for your health, but rather beneficial, especially for the brain. A new study …

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Fructose Feeds Fat

Posted on July 13, 2016, 6 a.m. in Weight and Obesity Diet The simple carbohydrate is linked to increase in fat deposits and body weight. Due in large part to an ever-increasing presence of high-fructose corn syrup in prepared foods, fructose – a simple carbohydrate derived from fruit and vegetables, has become a predominant component …

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