
Eating Half an Avocado A Day, Keeps Certain Illnesses at Bay….

It is green, delicious, creamy and satisfying – but high is monounsaturated fats.  For years, the fear of consuming foods high in fats have steered individuals away from including avocado into their diets.  But thanks to the revelation of the dangers of low-fat diets, avocados can be enjoyed by everyone without the guilt of adding …

Eating Half an Avocado A Day, Keeps Certain Illnesses at Bay…. Read More »

Adequate Antixoxidants for Anti-Aging

A long-term study reaffirms the effects of antioxidants for health and aging.  Karen Assmann, from Universite Paris (France), and colleagues analyzed data collected on 3,726 men and women enrolled in the Supplementation with Antioxidant Vitamins and Minerals Study, which tracked participants for Metabolic Syndrome both at the study’s start and after 13 years of follow-up.  …

Adequate Antixoxidants for Anti-Aging Read More »