Functional Foods

More Fiber Lowers BP

Whole wheat and wheat bran foods are abundant dietary sources of insoluble fiber. GS Aljuraiban, from Imperial College London (United Kingdom), and colleagues analyzed data collected on 2,195 men and women, ages 40 to 59 years, enrolled in the INTERnational study on MAcro/micronutrients and blood Pressure (INTERMAP) study.  During four visits, the team collected blood …

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The Link Between Coconut Oil and HDL Cholesterol

Saturated fatty acids have always been touted as being bad for you.  However, synthetically manufactured saturated fatty acids, such as the likes in margarine, are far different from those naturally occurring in coconut oil which are no longer seen as being detrimental for your health, but rather beneficial, especially for the brain. A new study …

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Amazing Anti-Cancer Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts are an excellent source of protein, fiber and alpha linoleic acid, which is a plant-based omega 3 fatty acid.  It is also high in antioxidants and together with walnut oil, they have shown positive results in lowering cholesterol and increasing insulin sensitivity. However, in addition to these amazing properties, walnuts have also shown to reduce …

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