‘If you’re one of those trainers who always thinks you need more leads, you might be wrong. Guest author Jodi Rumack has worked with thousands of trainers and helped companies increase their revenue by 300%. She thinks that most trainers have more than enough leads, they just don’t know their numbers!’ ‘In her blog post, Jodi explains the three numbers you should be tracking to find the weak links in your business and how to fix them.’ How to Track Your Business Numbers to Get More Clients: http://buff.ly/2m35muw

‘If you’re one of those trainers who always thinks you need more leads, you might be wrong. Guest author Jodi Rumack has worked with thousands of trainers and helped companies increase their revenue by 300%. She thinks that most trainers have more than enough leads, they just don’t know their numbers!’

‘In her blog post, Jodi explains the three numbers you should be tracking to find the weak links in your business and how to fix them.’

How to Track Your Business Numbers to Get More Clients:

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