How To Solve The Biggest Problem With Weight Loss: ‘Your body is really happy when you’re storing fat – not losing it. It’s doing what it can to ‘save’ and protect you from the imminent threat of starvation (dieting). This is why, even when you’ve been super careful with your diet, fat loss comes to a screaming stop after a certain period – even if you’re doing ‘everything’ right. But you can outsmart your body to transform it.’

How To Solve The Biggest Problem With Weight Loss:

‘Your body is really happy when you’re storing fat – not losing it. It’s doing what it can to ‘save’ and protect you from the imminent threat of starvation (dieting). This is why, even when you’ve been super careful with your diet, fat loss comes to a screaming stop after a certain period – even if you’re doing ‘everything’ right. But you can outsmart your body to transform it.’

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